The dissipation factor measurement
(tan δ measurement)
The dissipation factor measurement (tan δ measurement) is a non-destructive and integral procedure that serves to evaluate the condition of an entire cable route. With the dielectric dissipation factor tan δ, the relation of effective power to reactive power of the cable is measured. The measurement provides clear information on the condition of the cable insulation and its ageing.
Sequence for tan δ diagnostics
The tan δ measurement is performed over several voltage steps that can be adjusted in our devices. With aged cables, a characteristic increase in dissipation factor can be seen with increasing measurement voltage. A classification of the cables is possible, which proves highly valuable when planning the maintenance measures.
With the dissipation factor measurement you will discover
- Areas in the insulation of XLPE cables that are damaged by water (water trees), which later lead to electrical trees and represent the natural cause of a cable fault
- Faults in the insulation of paper-insulated mass-impregnated cables due to drying or insufficient insulation of paper-insulated mass-impregnated cables due to moisture
- Moisture in accessories (joints/terminations)
- Possible partial discharges
- Possible ageing effects in cable routes
Dissipation factor measurement with the BAUR Software 4
Illustration of dissipation factor measurement in the BAUR Software 4:
Illustration of dissipation factor measurement in the report
Sequencer: A sequence bundles together the right choice of measurement methods and settings for each application.
Programme: Predefined sequences for the measurement. Uniform and standardised measurements and tests enable comparability across all systems.
Evaluation criteria: The corresponding condition evaluation is automatically calculated based on the cable type and insulation material and is displayed accordingly.
Generic methods: Standardised sequences and measurement methods can be defined globally, irrespective of the cable type and voltage level. They can be used on a general basis and ensure uniform procedures.
Data transfer: The presets as well as the measurements can be quickly and easily transmitted to other measurement systems by means of data transfer. *
*) Depending on the availability of the software options
Perform dissipation factor and partial discharge measurements in parallel using the BAUR Software 4!
BAUR products for cable testing & diagnostics / dissipation factor measurement
BAUR Software 4
Software package
for cable fault location, cable testing and cable diagnostics
frida TD
VLF tester and diagnostics device (TD)
for medium-voltage cables
up to 36 kVpeak
VLF tester and diagnostics device (TD)
for medium-voltage cables
up to 80 kVpeak
VLF tester and
diagnostics device (TD and PD)
for medium-voltage cables
up to 80 kVpeak
viola TD
Testing and diagnostics unit