Decay method
Pre-location / Decay method
Voltage-coupled decay method for locating breakdown faults with high voltage. The oscillating voltage reflection waves are evaluated automatically to determine the fault distance.
All products
BAUR Software 4
Software package
for cable fault location, cable testing and cable diagnostics
IRG 400 / IRG 400 portable
Time domain reflectometer / echometer
IRG 4000
Time domain reflectometer (TDR)
for cable lengths up to 1000 km
IRG 4000 portable
Portable time domain
reflectometer (TDR)
for cable lengths up to 1000 km
PGK 110 HB
Voltage test
with DC or AC 50 Hz
110 kV, 14 mA
PGK 110/5 HB
Voltage test
with DC or AC 50 Hz
110 kV, 66 mA
PGK 150 HB
Voltage test
with DC or AC 50 Hz.
150 kV, 9 mA
PGK 150/5 HB
Voltage test
with DC or AC 50 Hz
150 kV, 50 mA
PGK 25
DC HV tester
for use on low- and
medium-voltage cables up to 25 kV
PGK 70/2.5 HB
Voltage test
with DC or AC 50 Hz.
70 kV, 50 mA
PHG 80 portable
VLF tester
for medium-voltage cables
up to 80 kVpeak
VLF tester and diagnostics device (TD)
for medium-voltage cables
up to 80 kVpeak
VLF tester and
diagnostics device (TD and PD)
for medium-voltage cables
up to 80 kVpeak
Syscompact 400
Cable fault location system for cable fault pre-location and pin-pointing
Syscompact 400 portable
Portable cable fault location system for cable fault pre-location and pin-pointing